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Single-account Reference Architecture

Single-account Reference Architecture

End-to-end tech stack designed to deploy into a single AWS account. Includes VPCs, EKS, ALBs, CI / CD, monitoring, alerting, VPN, DNS, and more.

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Live Infrastructure

This repository contains code to deploy infrastructure across all live environments for Acme in AWS. The code deploys modules from the infrastructure-modules-acme repository. This code was built on top of the Gruntwork Reference Architecture.

Reference Architecture


  • End-to-end tech stack for AWS.
  • 100% defined and managed as code using tools such as Terraform, Docker, and Packer.
  • Built on top of the reusable, battle-tested, commercially supported code from the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library.
  • Deployed into your AWS accounts in about 1 day.
  • Customized to your needs:
    • Run containerized services using Kubernetes or ECS.
    • Run VMs on EC2 Instances and Auto Scaling Groups.
    • Use PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, or other relational database.
    • Use Redis or Memcached as a distributed cache.
    • Use other data stores such as Kafka, ZooKeeper, ELK, SQS, Kinesis, and MongoDB.
    • Optionally enable end-to-end encryption (e.g., as part of HIPAA, PCI, or other compliance programs).
    • Configure a CI / CD pipeline in CircleCI, Travis CI, or Jenkins.
    • Access the network via a Bastion Host or OpenVPN server.
    • Use KMS for secrets management.
    • Store static content in S3, with CloudFront as a CDN.
    • Build serverless apps with AWS Lambda and API Gateway.
    • Configure monitoring, alerting, and log aggregation in CloudWatch.
    • And much more!


Core concepts

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Deploy updates

If you want to deploy updates to this infrastructure, check out the following resources:

Deploy from scratch

If you want to deploy this infrastructure from scratch, check out the following resources:


Day-to-day operations

Major changes


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