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Legal Changelog

Contract & Policy


A history of all updates to Gruntwork contracts and policies.

Jun 3, 2021

Update Privacy Policy to address our new developer portal

We’ve released a new developer portal at! We've updated our Privacy Policy to address any privacy and data implications that come from its release.

Sep 29, 2020

Update privacy policy and Data Processing Agreement to reflect revocation of the Privacy Shield Framework

Because the European Court of Justice has revoked the Privacy Shield Framework, we need to update our privacy policy and Data Processing Agreement to remove reference to it.

Sep 10, 2020

Update definition of an Authorized User

We updated the definition of an Authorized User to more accurately reflect our concept of "access." In our current thinking, an Authorized User is someone who either directly accesses the code by reading or executing it on their local computer, or someone who indirectly accesses the code by triggering a process that reads or executes the code. We do not see this as a material expansion of the definition of an Authorized User from our original definition, only a more precise clarification.