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Legal Changelog

Contract & Policy


A history of all updates to Gruntwork contracts and policies.

May 20, 2024

Clarify Support Offering

We've enumerated what's included with each level of support we offer.

Streamlined Terms of Service

This update makes a number of improvements to our Terms of Service. We streamlined the terms organization with simplified language and a single set of terms to govern all Gruntwork services, including a new definition for the concept of a "Team." We defined a new Gruntwork license, the "Subscription License," which allows us to make software available for the duration of your subscription but not afterward. (We retain our historical license as the "Library License.") Finally, we introduced an explicit SLA.

Oct 13, 2023

Simplified Service Data terms

We adopted more conventional contract language regarding the collection of both anonymous and identifiable customer data that we’ll use to operate the business and improve our products and services.

Apr 18, 2023

Add Platform Accelerator program terms

To make it easy for Gruntwork customers to work with Gruntwork Partners, we now publish a standard contract between a Gruntwork customer and Gruntwork partner.

Jul 19, 2022

Removed Foqal from data subprocessors

We formerly used Foqal to consolidate customer Slack channels for customer support, but we have built out this functionality internally using our existing data subprocessors.