The Account Factory solution for modern platform for all

Establish a first-class, end-to-end DevOps lifecycle on AWS, entirely as code, in about a day.

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From the DevOps experts who brought you:

Terraform: Up & Running

We literally wrote the book on Terraform and OpenTofu.


We created the most popular open source tool for using OpenTofu and Terraform at scale.


We are co-founders of OpenTofu and members of the steering commitee.


Meet our customers

It's been our privilege to work with software teams of all sizes. Hear how they've modernized their infrastructures using Gruntwork products and services.

100% Bootstrapped

We own our company and our destiny

Unlike many venture-backed startups, Gruntwork is fully bootstrapped. We have and will continue to grow responsibly based on the revenue we generate, without seeking external funding. This frees us up to think long-term, treat our people right, center on our customers, and avoid the pressures of unsustainable growth often imposed by investors. This model also makes our equity grants and profit sharing bonuses all that more valuable, as we truly believe in taking shared ownership of the company we’re building.

Integrated solutions for your entire DevOps lifecycle
Our products work together to streamline every stage of your teams’ DevOps workflows.

Why waste effort building from scratch?

Most teams have the same basic infrastructure needs: server cluster, load balancer, database, cache, CI/CD, monitoring, secrets management, and so on. Gruntwork is a team of DevOps experts who have spent thousands of hours creating a library of reusable, battle-tested infrastructure code that has been used in production by hundreds of companies, and now you can leverage all of it with the Gruntwork Library.

Infrastructure as code

Over 350,000 lines of code written in Terraform, Go, Python, and Bash. You get access to 100% of the code.


Our modules are highly reusable, configurable, composable, and extensible.


Every commit goes through a suite of automated tests. View support matrix.


Example code and thorough documentation are included for every module.


Built with security-first principles and validated with security scanning.


Gruntwork provides commercial maintenance and support. We continually make updates, additions, and fixes to the library.

Thoughtfully Opinionated

We balance flexibility and opinionatedness to ensure you get modern best practices.

No Lock-In

If you ever choose to cancel, you keep rights to all the code.

What’s Included

Landing Zone Baselines and Security

IAM users/groups/roles, GuardDuty, CloudTrail, etc.

App Orchestration

EKS, ECS, EC2, ASGs, etc.


CIS-compliant VPC, Transit Gateway, IPAM, DualStack/IPv6 [BETA]

Data Storage

MySQL, Postgres, Aurora, Redis, S3, etc.


Lambda, API Gateway, etc.

Compliance & Governance


Search & Analytics

Elasticsearch, Kafka, Kinesis, etc.


Explore our latest blog

Get the most up-to-date information and trends from our DevOps community.
TerraformResouces Image

Promotion Workflows with Terraform

How to configure GitOps-driven, immutable infrastructure workflows for Terraform using Gruntwork Patcher.

Jason Griffin

October 3, 2023 7 min read
TerraformResouces Image

The Impact of the HashiCorp License Change on Gruntwork Customers

How to configure GitOps-driven, immutable infrastructure workflows for Terraform using Gruntwork Patcher.

Josh Padnick

October 3, 2023 7 min read
Join a community of thousands of developers
Terragrunt Support

“The quality that Gruntwork produces and maintains is outstanding. It has proven time and time again to be a huge accelerator bringing companies forward in terms of stability and quality. It also enables closer collaboration across the engineering organization by providing easy-to-use, battle-tested modules in a “plug-and-play” manner, enabling us to take care of the core business, generating more value across the board, and not being slowed down by unnecessary ‘grunt work.”

Testimonial Profile Image

Markus Burger

DevOps Team Lead

Testimonial Profile Image
Gruntwork Pipelines

“When I first broached the topic of working with Gruntwork and redoing our platform, there was a fair bit of trepidation and anxiety from the team. I had to sell them on the concept. Now, I'm hearing nothing but rave reviews about the work you guys have done. Literally big smiles and rave reviews. From hard-to-please-engineers. Superb work! I'll happily recommend to you all the firms where I serve on the advisory board.”

Testimonial Profile Image

Venu Javarappa

Senior Vice President, Engineering

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Terragrunt Support

“Gruntwork’s solution - leveraging reusable high quality infrastructure components - is a fantastic fit for us. Literally in a couple of weeks we had a complete DevOps infrastructure up and running incorporating all kinds of “best practice” ideas - infrastructure as code, immutable infrastructure, continuous integration, continuous delivery, containerization, load balancing, auto scaling, monitoring, security, etc - taking it many steps beyond where we would have ended up had we decided to build it ourselves over what would have been a much longer period of time.

Testimonial Profile Image

Dan Evison


Testimonial Profile Image
Devops training library

“While we had made some good progress with various Terraform deployments across the company, Gruntwork really took our workflows and quality infrastructure code to another level that saves us time now and in the long run. By moving away from our proprietary build system to what I would call the Gruntwork “plug and play workflow,” we will have less issues and a more collaborative environment.”

Testimonial Profile Image

Ryan Kelley

Senior Systems Engineer

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Infrastructure As code

“We ended up going with Gruntwork. I highly recommend. Jim Brikman of Gruntwork was the top infrastructure engineer during my tenure at LinkedIn, so I already knew what to expect. It was fantastic to see how they delivered our awesome AWS + Terraform infrastructure on time and well under budget.”

Testimonial Profile Image

Erem Boto

Senior Software Engineer

Testimonial Profile Image
Terms of Service

Oct 27, 2023

Simplified Service Data terms

We adopted more conventional contract language regarding the collection of both anonymous and identifiable customer data that we’ll use to operate the business and improve our products and services.
Data Processing Agreement

Aug 24, 2023

Update Data Processing Agreement governing law

The governing law of our Data Processing Agreement has been updated from the State of Arizona to the State of Delaware to align with our standard terms of service.
Terms of Service

Apr 18, 2023

Add Platform Accelerator program terms

To make it easy for Gruntwork customers to work with Gruntwork Partners, we now publish a standard contract between a Gruntwork customer and Gruntwork partner.
Terms of Service

Jul 19, 2022

Removed Foqal from data subprocessors

We formerly used Foqal to consolidate customer Slack channels for customer support, but we have built out this functionality internally using our existing data subprocessors.
Terms of Service

Jun 8, 2022

Simplified Reference Architecture Terms

We cleaned up the headings for our Reference Architecture features and clarified some standard limitations we wanted to make explicit.
How we compare

It’s like expert consulting
— only better

Tired of traditional consulting? So are we! Our DevOps Foundations solution provides unique benefits over both DIY and traditional consulting.

Do it yourselfConsultant

Starting point

Leverage battle-tested code and tooling proven in prod

From scratch

From scratch


Maximize product utility from a reusable library of code

Minimize investment of time

Maximize billable hours

Scope of work

End-to-end, modular architecture that fulfills the production-grade checklist

Varies depending on team knowledge and time available

Varies depending on consultant knowledge and budget available

Time to launch

~1 week

(highly predictable)

3 – 12 months

(highly variable)

3 – 12 months

(highly variable)

Monthly cost

$795 – $6,500 per month

$16,000 – $32,000 per month(2 devs, $100k – $200k / year)

$32,000 – $64,000 per month(2 devs, $100 – $200 / hour)


On-going maintenance, updates, security patches




Commercial support



Testimonial Spotlight Image
Yevgeniy "Jim" Brikman



Jim is the author of two books published by O’Reilly Media: Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running. He has more than a decade of experience building infrastructure and products that serve hundreds of millions of users at LinkedIn, TripAdvisor, Cisco Systems, and Thomson Financial.


We may be experts, but don’t take our word for it

It has been our privilege to work with software teams of all sizes. Meet some of the members of the Gruntwork Community:
  • Grunty Arm
    We ended up going with Gruntwork. I highly recommend. Jim Brikman of Gruntwork was the top infrastructure engineer during my tenure at LinkedIn, so I already knew what to expect. It was fantastic to see how they delivered our awesome AWS + Terraform infrastructure on time and well under budget.
    Testimonial Profile Image

    Erem Boto

    Senior Software Engineer

    Testimonial Profile Image
  • We ended up going with Gruntwork. I highly recommend. Jim Brikman of Gruntwork was the top infrastructure engineer during my tenure at LinkedIn, so I already knew what to expect. It was fantastic to see how they delivered our awesome AWS + Terraform infrastructure on time and well under budget.
    Testimonial Profile Image

    Erem Boto

    Senior Software Engineer

    Testimonial Profile Image
  • We ended up going with Gruntwork. I highly recommend. Jim Brikman of Gruntwork was the top infrastructure engineer during my tenure at LinkedIn, so I already knew what to expect. It was fantastic to see how they delivered our awesome AWS + Terraform infrastructure on time and well under budget.
    Testimonial Profile Image

    Erem Boto

    Senior Software Engineer

    Testimonial Profile Image

    Lay your new DevOps Foundations today.

    Chat with a DevOps expert and see how our integrated solution can meet the needs of your business and your teams.

    Get up-to-date, then stay up-to-date.

    Chat with a DevOps expert to learn more about how Patcher can help your team effortlessly keep its infrastructure up-to-date, and request access to the beta.


    How it works


    Automatically discover dependencies in your code

    • With Patcher

      Run the Patcher CLI to automatically discover dependencies in your code, the versions they are at, and if new versions are available.

    • Without Patcher

      You have to manually scan your code for dependencies, manually track which versions they are at, and manually look up if new versions are available.


    Hassle-free updates with step-by-step instructions and automatic patching

    • With Patcher

      Choose the desired module and its corresponding version for an update. Patcher automatically modifies your code, applying necessary patches. You will be guided through any necessary manual changes.

    • Without Patcher

      Update to new versions manually. If the new version is backward incompatible, go searching for a migration guide, and follow the steps to update your code manually.


    Feel what’s it’s like to be part of the team

    We’re trying to build a diverse team that is welcoming and safe for people of all backgrounds, cultures, genders, and ethnicities. We don’t use puzzles and brainteasers in our interviews, as they are a complete waste of time that do little more than make the interviewer feel smart. We don’t do whiteboard coding interviews, as they test the wrong skills and discriminate against many developers, and often become little more than a hazing ritual. And we don’t do salary negotiations, as they lead to gender discrimination. Here’s what you can expect:



    Either you find us (e.g., through our careers page) or we find you (e.g., through your blog posts, talks, open source work, or a personal connection). We’ll take a look at your background and make sure you meet our basic criteria:

    • You know how to write code, or have worked with many who do.

    • You have experience creating and shipping production software.

    • You want to help create software to transform DevOps.


    Meet the team

    We’ll set up video calls with a few team members. These chats help us understand what you’re looking for, and help you understand what we’re looking for. Tiny, bootstrapped, distributed startups in the DevOps space are not for everyone, so we try hard to understand what you’ve worked on in the past, what you want to work on in the future, and to share as much as we can about the type of work we do so that we can come to the right mutual decision.


    Work with us on a paid trial project

    If the chats go well, we’ll invite you to a paid trial project. Instead of you spending a day doing whiteboard coding at a company’s office, we ask that you take a day to work on a real project for us, from the comfort of your own home (or coffee shop or library or wherever you prefer working). We might have you fix a bug in one of our open source projects, add a new feature to an existing module in our IaC Library, or even build an entirely new module that a customer requested. We’ll introduce the project to you at the start of the day, chat with you via Slack and email throughout the day, and then review your work at the end.

    In other words, it’s basically a regular work day—which is exactly the point! Our goal is to give you an accurate feel for what it would be like to join Gruntwork. By the end of the day, you should have a good idea of the type of projects we work on and what it’s like to work with us, and we should have a good idea of what you’re capable of and what it’s like to work with you.


    Receive an offer

    If the trial project goes well and everyone wants to move forward, we’ll make an offer. As noted in the benefits section, Gruntwork pays a competitive above-market rate according to a formula to ensure transparency and fairness. We do not negotiate salaries.

    How it works

infrastructure automation.


    Vend new SDLC accounts for your teams at the push of a button

    Account Factory helps you quickly provision new accounts for your teams that come out-of-the-box with:

    • Secure baselines and guard rails

    • Secure network access

    • SSO Access

    • A GitOps Infra pipeline

    • Control Tower Integration

    Instrumental Logo
    Developer Self-service

    Scaffold new infrastructure from an approved catalog using self-service templates

    • Curated module catalog. Browse a catalog of approved infrastructure modules, bootstrapped with the Gruntwork Library, and easily filter to find what you need.

    • Module templates. Select a template to help configure your module for common use cases.

    • Scaffolding. Scaffold new modules with a keystroke, with intelligent prompts for any configurations exposed in the selected template.

    Instrumental Logo
    GitOps Pipeline

    Deploy with confidence using GitOps automated workflows

    • GitOps automation. Gruntwork Pipelines will run plan for any infra change pull request, and apply those changes when it gets merged.

    • Policy enforcement. All pipelines enforce a standard set of company policies, giving you confidence in every change.

    • Approval Workflows. Add safeguards by requiring approvals depending on the nature of the change.

    • Secure. Your prod AWS credentials are kept isolated from developers so the blast radius of any changes is kept to a minimum.

    Instrumental Logo
    Automatic Updates

    Stay up-to-date, even in the face of breaking changes

    • Automatic Updates. Patcher [BETA] opens PRs automatically when new versions of infrastructure dependencies get released.

    • Handle breaking changes. Breaking changes for Gruntwork Library modules come with patches that help you update your code automatically.

    • Promotion workflows. Promote changes across environments — from dev to stage to prod — so you can build confidence at each step.

    • Commercial maintenance & support. Get ongoing updates to all Gruntwork Library modules, as well as commercial support for all Gruntwork products.

    Instrumental Logo
    Case Studies

    See how Gruntwork has transformed DevOps for our satisfied customers.


    Gruntwork proves instrumental in Instrumental’s growth

    Gruntwork Account Factory integrates seamlessly with AWS Control Tower, giving you the benefits of IaC and the convenience of AWS console controls.

    Grunty Arm
    “It was fantastic to see how Gruntwork delivered our awesome AWS + Terraform infrastructure on time and well under budget.”
    Testimonial Profile Image

    Erem Boto

    Senior Software Engineer

    Testimonial Profile Image

    Gruntwork proves instrumental in Instrumental’s growth

    Gruntwork Account Factory integrates seamlessly with AWS Control Tower, giving you the benefits of IaC and the convenience of AWS console controls.

    Instrumental Logo
    Trusted by top companies

    Every few months, we send out a newsletter to all Gruntwork customers that describes all the updates we’ve made since the last newsletter and news from the DevOps industry. Note that many of the links below go to private repos in the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library and Reference Architecture that are only accessible to customers.

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    Gruntwork Updates

    Gruntwork, Inc. (“Gruntwork,” “we,” “our” and/or “us”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through our compliance with this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”). Gruntwork is a DevOps platform designed to enable software teams to quickly launch production-grade cloud infrastructure. This Privacy Policy describes the types of information we may collect from and about you when you visit our website located at (the “Site”); use the Gruntwork services, including our cloud-based developer portal located at (“the Portal”) and any additional Gruntwork-branded features and functionalities, websites, user interfaces, and applications (collectively with the Portal, the “Services”); engage with us through our newsletters, emails, and branded social media accounts; or otherwise interact with us. It also describes our practices for using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information as well as certain legal rights you may have, subject to applicable law, and how you can exercise them.

    [NEW] Account factory: multi-account, multi-team, full SDLC

    Gruntwork’s Landing Zone solution now supports a self-service account factory that can automate the process of setting up a new multi-account structure and full SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) workflow for your dev teams. Here’s a quick outline of how it works:

    • Fill out the account request form. Your dev team fills out a web form (which you can customize to your needs), specifying the details of the account structure they need: e.g., team name, department, billing code, etc.

    • Automated account creation in Control Tower. When they submit the form, this kicks off an automated account provisioning process that provisions new AWS accounts for that team—e.g., dev, stage, and prod—using Control Tower. This allows you to use Control Tower as your single pane of glass for all of your AWS accounts.

    • Automated baselining. The automated account provisioning process applies a secure baseline to every account, ensuring it is configured with CloudTrail, GuardDuty, Macie, IAM Access Analyzer, default EBS encryption, Security Hub, IAM roles, SSO access, OIDC providers, and all the other security, monitoring, and auth features you need.

    The OpenTofu release candidate is here!

    A small holidays gift for everyone: the OpenTofu release candidate is now available! If we find no major issues, this release candidate will become our first stable release on January 10th, 2024!

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    DevOps News

    In the last few months, we updated our Landing Zone solution with a self-service account factory that can automate the process of setting up a new multi-account structure and full SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) workflow for your dev teams; updated our VPC code with support for IPv6, IPAM, transit subnets, private NATs, and black hole routes; and made huge progress on OpenTofu, including a release candidate that may become our first stable release. Also, one more reminder: Gruntwork will be closed for two weeks for the winter break. Happy holidays!

    “Scale your Amazon Aurora clusters to millions of write transactions per second and manage petabytes of data. With this new capability, you can scale your relational database workloads on Aurora beyond the limits of a single Aurora writer instance without needing to create custom application logic or manage multiple databases.”

    Testimonial Profile Image

    Erem Boto

    Senior Software Engineer

    Testimonial Profile Image

    AWS simplified authn and authz for EKS

    AWS has made two improvements to authn and authz for EKS:

    1. Simplified EKS cluster access. In the past, to control access to an EKS cluster, AWS required you to use a ConfigMap to map between IAM roles and EKS permissions, which was always a clunky and awkward experience. AWS has now launched a simpler way to manage access to your EKS clusters.

    2. Simplified Pod IAM role access. AWS has also a feature called EKS Pod Identity which makes it easier to grant your EKS Pods access to IAM roles.


    Gruntwork Alternatives

    Gruntwork vs the competition, at a glance
    Gruntwork vs doing it yourself (DIY)
    Gruntwork vs Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
    Gruntwork vs open source modules (e.g. Ansible Galaxy, Terraform Module Registry, Puppet Forge, etc.)

    Contract & Licensing

    What's included with each Gruntwork user license?
    What if I want to use the code with my own customers?
    Gruntwork vs Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
    How can I modify your Terms of Service?


    What payment options do you accept?
    Can I pay with AWS credits?
    What's a user?
    What if I want to cancel my Gruntwork Subscription?
    What happens to my code if I cancel my subscription?
    If I require product customization or consulting support, what options are provided?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is there a free trial?
    Is a subscription required?
    Can I purchase products individually?
    What payment options do you accept?
    What’s a user?
    What’s included with each user license?
    Can I modify your Terms of Service?
    Security Docs
    Legal Docs

    DevOps Foundations 
Pricing & Packaging

    DevOps Foundations
Pricing & Packaging


    Good for one team


    Billed at $24,000 /yr


    Ideal for multiple teams

    Exclusive Pricing
    Annual contracts only
    Compare plan features
    Need help deciding? We are happy to answer your questions and provide additional information.